Welcome to a member meeting focusing on Ericsson’s compliance journey.
In her capacity as Market Area Compliance Officer at Ericsson, Juliana Gobbi, lead the implementation and oversight of the compliance program in the Northern Central Europe region. During this member meeting, Juliana will share with us a walkthrough on Ericsson’s efforts and improvements of its compliance program, key initiatives and how Ericsson’s program is structured.
With over fifteen years of experience in legal and compliance roles, with a specific focus on Anti-Bribery and Corruption, Juliana has vast experience to share from both her current role at Ericsson – and their particular challenges – and previous roles, and will open up for questions and discussions during the meeting.
This meeting will be held in English.
Datum: 16 april
Tid: Kl. 08.30 – 09.30
Plats: Online via Teams
Observera att seminariet endast är för medlemmar i Compliance Forum. Har du frågor kring ditt medlemskap eller önskar bli medlem så är du välkommen att höra av dig till ts@complianceforum.se